Carpentersville Memories

2011 Tour of Carpentersville Video Page


Welcome to the Carpentersville Memories video pages. Our goal is to bring back some fun memories of growing up in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. 


This video page is dedicated to Carpentersville 2011.


Videos from one of my visits to Carpentersville in November 2011

Intersection of Highways 25 and 62

Towne Park in Algonquin

Meadowdale Bowling Alley

Carpenter Park

Perry Middle School, Park and Crown High

Meadowdale Shopping Center

Meadowdale Cinema

Spanish Section, Amarillo Drive, Mora Circle, Amarillo Court

Where the Dundale Drive In used to be.

Indian Section

Where Kings Road Elementary used to be.

Lakewood Middle School

Maple Avenue 

Sunny Hill Elementary

November 2011 Meetup Slideshow