Haegers Bend


Welcome to the Carpentersville Memories Haegers Bend Page. Our goal is to bring back some fun memories of growing up in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Please take your time and check out all of the Haegers Bend images and files, they are sure to bring back many memories.


We bring back Memories you didn’t know you had

Do you remember Haegers Bend?

Many people have fond memories of growing up in Haegers Bend.  It was located between Carpentersville and Algonquin.  It was a rather small area of houses and industry tucked away in a country setting along the Fox River.  We are hoping to acquire more Haegers Bend images, if you have any to share please contact us.

Haegers Bend

Here’s a picture of Haegers Bend I ran across this evening. I grew up in a house right on the narrowest part of the river where the sharpest bend you see is. I can’t guess when this was taken. I’m going say it was in the 1960’s.

Those of you familiar with Haegers Bend now know that all the empty land you see is now chock full of houses. That empty land was not part of Haegers Bend. Haegers Bend ends at the bridge that crosses over the channel. The Starretts used to own all that land at the bottom of the picture. Caroline Starrett lived in the house to the left of the factory which made something. 

– Mike Gallery

Haegers Bend Images


What People are Saying

“I love this place !”

Lets me relive some of my childhood every chance I get

Cathy D.

“Fabulous memories came flooding back”

So much to see and so many memories, this is an amazing web site “

Dan K.

“Another amazing experience”

Always something new every time I visit the site

Clyde L.

“Speechless, worth every penny”

Couldn’t believe all there was to see for such a small yearly subscription, and complete Yearbooks too !!”

Bob M.