Carpentersville Memories

Irving Crown High Winter Band Concerts


Welcome to the Carpentersville Memories Band Concert Page. Our goal is to bring back some fun memories of growing up in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.  Thank you to Mike Gallery for adding to this section of the website.


Irving Crown High Winter Band Concerts

1969 Irving Crown High Winter Band Concert Side 1

1969 Irving Crown High Winter Band Concert Side 2

1970 Irving Crown High Winter Band Concert Side 1

1970 Irving Crown High Winter Band Concert Side 2

1972 Irving Crown High Winter Band Concert Side 1

1972 Winter Concert Side 1

by Roy Nickel Director - Thom Robertson Stage Band Director | 1972

1972 Irving Crown High Winter Band Concert Side 2

1972 Winter Concert Side 2

by Roy Nickel Director - Thom Robertson Stage Band Director | 1972